Use data to make your marketing decisions.


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what we do

I help online service and product based businesses know their numbers and leverage them to improve their sales and marketing.

DFY 1:1 client work

Learn how data and dashboards can change your business decision making for the better. Hop on a call to learn more!

The GA4 Basics on demand workshop

Rather DIY? This Workshop shows you step-by-step how to create and optimize your GA4 property so you can start collecting data today!

do my GA4 for me

Rather outsource your GA4 setup? I've got you covered! Let's set up a call to map out what you'd like to your new GA4 to track for you. Prices start at $97.

they said

Some of the happy clients and customers I've had the privilege to work with.

"I'm looking forward to data I can use to make decisions for my company."

I was setting up my GA4 property and had “advanced” questions around KPIs, event configuration and being sure GA4 was set up correctly. Elizabeth was recommended to me by a mutual business connection. I went through her GA4 Basics Workshop and met 1:1 after to cover my advanced questions. My favorite part was how she walked through my setup step by step and made sure it was correct. She double checked my work, answered my questions and offered referrals specific to my business type (ecommerce). I'm looking forward to data I can use to make decisions for my company.

meet elizabeth

Elizabeth is an email marketer-turned-data detective, successfully answering the question “Where are my clients and customers coming from?” for her clients, including course creators, coaches and digital product creators.

She is the creator of a Google Analytics 4 assessment tool which has been described as 🔥 by entrepreneurs and used by many to identify exactly what needs to be improved in their GA4 accounts to get the best return on their data. 

Elizabeth lives in Colorado with her family and a garden filled with flowers three seasons a year. In her spare time, she enjoys hikes in the mountains, eating noodles with chopsticks, and re-reading “The Lord of the Rings”. 

as seen on

Location Indie Interview w/ Jason Moore
GA4 Interview Simple Success Interview Series w/ Kim Roth
Expert Series Special Guest w/ Renee Hribar [GA4 Assessment]


Stay up to date with all things data!





Mid launch message shifts can work when done well. Learn about one online business owner who successfully pulled of a mid launch messaging change: the how, the why, the results, and how they knew they needed to do it.



I will not sit here and say "Never listen to your intuition in business". If you look at all the data and decide to go with your gut, you do you. I make decisions based on both data and feelings too. But there's a place for data informed intuition decisions.



Why is it important to know how your content is doing? Because you need to know what's working and what isn't, to do more of one and none of the other. Learn what air quality and content marketing have in common (yes, they are related).



As a business owner, you want to know what 20% of your marketing is leading to 80% of your profit. I know so many of us are tired of working and working and not knowing what's working with our marketing! Click to learn more about your 20%.

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